Learn how to create perfectly defined brows on your clients with the multi-step treatment.
On our intensive one day course you will learn how to map, tint, trim, tweeze, thread, wax and finish the brows - all the steps you need to become an expert brow artist!
If you are considering a new career or already have experience in the industry, our educators can help you develop your skills and knowledge. We specialise in a 12-week acrylic programme and one day intensive eFile course. We also teach professional lash, brow and tanning courses at our academy.
Course Details:
This course runs week days 10am- 4pm
Call us to find out the next course dates: 01246 434849
All students will need to bring a treatment free model for the course.
You will also need to purchase your full professional brow kit for the course : £72 incl. VAT

Definition Brows course
£300 incl. VAT
For more information or if you have questions about our courses please do not hesitate to get in touch. Call us on 01246 434849